We are conveniently located 1 mile from
355 and Rt. 64 (North Ave.). at:
22W580 Poss St
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

Our location
$20 Intro Class
Every Thursday we have an intro class 30 minutes before a level 1 class. Show up for a brief instruction and you can stay for the class.
We teach Krav Maga, the official self defense system of the Israeli Military Defense Forces and hundreds of U.S. law enforcement agencies. Krav Maga is the best Self Defense in the world, because if there were better techniques or combatives we would adopt them in our system. This Real World self defense system is designed for you to become highly effective in the shortest possible time. Contact us in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, to sign up for training today. Krav Maga, is a self defense and fitness system that will burn calories, lose weight and get you in the best shape of your life while you learn to defend yourself. Krav Maga training is the best at getting you fit while learning simple self defense skills. The Krav Maga training is guaranteed to be exciting and different from any other workouts!